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/*+ * * File: performer.c * * Description: Performer (ESROS), function call API. * -*/ #ifdef OS_MALLOC_DEBUG #include "os.h" #undef FAIL #endif #include "estd.h" #include "getopt.h" #include "eh.h" #include "tm.h" #include "pf.h" #include "esro.h" #include "extfuncs.h" RC_DEBUG_ENABLE; char *__applicationName = "ops_xmpl performer"; extern char pubQuName[]; typedef struct G_Env { Char *progName; /* Application Specific Information */ } G_Env; PUBLIC TM_ModDesc G_tmDesc; PUBLIC G_Env G_env; /* Quick temorary tracing */ #define G_tmHere() TM_trace(G_tmDesc, TM_ENTER, "\n") ESRO_SapSel locSapSel = 15; ESRO_SapDesc locSapDesc; ESRO_InvokeId invokeId; ESRO_EncodingType encodingType; ESRO_OperationValue operationValue; #define SHELL_CMD_OP 2 struct ESRO_Event event; /* Static functions */ static Int perform(void); /*< * Function: main() * * Description: main function of performer. * * Arguments: argc, argv. * * Returns: None. * >*/ Int main(int argc, char **argv) { Int c; Bool badUsage; G_env.progName = argv[0]; TM_init(); badUsage = FALSE; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "T:l:s:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case `T': TM_setUp(optarg); break; case `l': /* Local ESRO Sap Selector */ { Int gotVal; if ( PF_getInt(optarg, &gotVal, 13, 0, 63) ) { EH_problem("main (performer): "); badUsage = TRUE; } else { locSapSel = gotVal; } } break; case `s': if (strlen(optarg) != 0) strcpy(pubQuName, optarg); break; case `u': case `?': default: badUsage = TRUE; break; } } if (badUsage) { G_usage(); G_exit(1); } G_init(); /* Do here what needs to be done */ { ESRO_init(); TM_validate(); perform(); } exit (0); } /* main() */ /*< * Function: G_init * * Description: Initialize. * * Arguments: None. * * Returns: None. * >*/ Void G_init(void) { G_tmDesc = TM_open("G_"); if (!G_tmDesc) { EH_problem("G_init : TM_open G_ failed"); } signal(SIGINT, G_sigIntr); } /*< * Function: G_exit * * Description: Exit. * * Arguments: Exit code. * * Returns: None. * >*/ Void G_exit(Int code) { exit(code); } /*< * Function: G_usage * * Description: Usage. * * Arguments: None. * * Returns: None. * >*/ Void G_usage(void) { String usage1 = ""; String usage2 = ""; printf("%s: Usage: %s\n", G_env.progName, usage1); printf("%s: Usage: %s\n", G_env.progName, usage2); } /*< * Function: G_sigIntr * * Description: Signal processing. * * Arguments: None. * * Returns: None. * >*/ Void G_sigIntr(Int unUsed) { signal(SIGINT, G_sigIntr); G_exit(22); } static void resultReq(String result); /* static void errorReq(String result); */ /*< * Function: perform() * * Description: Perform an operation. * * Arguments: None. * * Returns: None. * >*/ static Int perform(void) { ESRO_RetVal gotVal; ESRO_sapUnbind(locSapSel); if ((gotVal = ESRO_sapBind(&locSapDesc, locSapSel, ESRO_3Way)) < 0) { EH_fatal("perform: Could not activate local ESRO SAP."); } while ( TRUE ) { while ((gotVal = ESRO_getEvent(locSapDesc, &event, 1)) < 0) { /*????*/ EH_problem("perform: ESRO_getEvent failed"); return (FAIL); } if (gotVal < 0) { EH_problem("perform: Bad Event"); } processEvent(&event); } } /*< * Function: processEvent * * Description: Process event. * * Arguments: Event. * * Returns: 0 on successful completion, -1 on unsuccessful completion. * >*/ SuccFail processEvent(struct ESRO_Event *p_event) { switch (p_event->type) { case ESRO_INVOKEIND: *(p_event-> + p_event->un.invokeInd.len) = `\0'; TM_TRACE((G_tmDesc, TM_ENTER, "Got ESRO-Invoke.Indcation invokeId=%d, operationValue=%d, paramter=%s\n", p_event->un.invokeInd.invokeId, p_event->un.invokeInd.operationValue, p_event->; /* Here is where you perform what you should do * and then call resultReq or errorReq. */ invokeId = p_event->un.invokeInd.invokeId; { time_t idate; idate = time(&idate); resultReq(ctime(&idate)); } break; case ESRO_RESULTCNF: TM_TRACE((G_tmDesc, TM_ENTER, "Got ESRO-Result.Confirm invokeid=%d\n", p_event->un.resultCnf.invokeId)); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Performer: Got Result Confirmation. invokeId=%d\n", p_event->un.resultCnf.invokeId); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); G_exit(0); case ESRO_ERRORCNF: G_tmHere(); break; case ESRO_FAILUREIND: G_tmHere(); break; default: G_tmHere(); EH_problem("processEvent: invalid event type"); break; } return (SUCCESS); } /*< * Function: resultReq * * Description: Result request. * * Arguments: Result. * * Returns: None. * >*/ static void resultReq(String result) { ESRO_RetVal gotVal; TM_TRACE((G_tmDesc, TM_ENTER, "Issuing ESRO-Result.Request parameter=%s\n", result)); gotVal = ESRO_resultReq(invokeId, (ESRO_EncodingType) 2, strlen(result), result); if (gotVal < 0) { EH_problem("resultReq: Could not Invoke"); } } /*< * Function: errorReq * * Description: Error request. * * Arguments: Error. * * Returns: None. * >*/ /* static void errorReq(String result) { ESRO_RetVal gotVal; gotVal = ESRO_errorReq(invokeId, (ESRO_EncodingType) 2, strlen(result), result); if (gotVal < 0) { EH_problem("errorReq: Could not Invoke"); } } */
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